Wednesday, September 15, 2021

My Manifest Theory

I’ve been watching this show for like a week straight. If I’m being honest I’m still undecided on if I like it or not. My opinion is that there’s too much going on and not enough happy endings. I know that’s a little weird but like I get bored without change. My theory for this week is based kind of off this show but also it’s a hair brain conspiracy theory so strap in! 

The theory of the week is that what if crazy things happen like in real life and higher powers whatever they may be actually do cover it up? Like what if somewhere in Washington there are actual vampires? Or what if there are people who have actual clairvoyance? 

I mean really I know that this is 100% out there but you never know what’s going on in the world as shown by numerous forms of media. I’m just saying these concepts come from somewhere.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Evolution and Mythological Creatures

While I haven’t done any sort of research on this I’d still like to provoke a theory of sorts that I’ve had. This starts with the premise of mythological creatures, specifically centaurs, satyrs, pegasus and dragons. When we think of these creatures we imagine them in times before great technological advancements. Times of knights and castles and villages, before guns and skyscrapers, etc. But really what if an apocalypse happened? Think Water World when dude grew gills to adapt to a world that was mainly ocean. My theory I’m imposing on all of you today is that maybe when the people who drummed up mythological creatures saw it as a future insight and less of past tense assignment. 

Centaur and satyr are both half person half animal creatures what if they had to evolve to embrace the environment? Mans evolution was depicted on us coming from primates that evolved. What if humans aren’t done evolving? I know this is a lot and is very far fetched but logically speaking if the world ends tomorrow who’s to say some people wouldn’t survive and their children evolve into something more adaptive for the environment left. 

Let me know what you think in the comments!